Making Treaty 7
Making Treaty 7
Indigenous-led, settler-supported arts and culture.
October 20th, 2023
Indigenous Story Telling
An Indigenous-led, settler-supported arts organization producing high-quality live performances, films, and visual art exhibitions. The organization is dedicated to promoting cross-cultural healing through Indigenous arts and culture.
Why Go
An Indigenous-led, settler-supported arts organization producing high-quality live performances, films, and visual art exhibitions throughout the year. The organization is dedicated to promoting cross-cultural healing through Indigenous arts and culture. Engaging entertainment for everyone.
What's Great
Bringing Indigenous story-telling productions, exhibits, music and art to everyone at locations around downtown Calgary. With the goal of educating the public on the significance of the signing of Treaty 7 between Canada's First Nations and Queen Victoria. Treaty 7 paved the way for the peaceful settlement of the Province of Alberta. Making Treaty 7 tells the story of the historic agreement, and investigates the results and implications over 100 years later through music, dance, storytelling, and performance.
Local Tip:
Find the latest show on the website or social media to connect with Canada's rich Indigenous culture.
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