Local Connections

Downtown Calgary Heart baloon
Downtown Calgary Heart baloon

Local Connections

Connecting to Calgary and our local culture adds value to your attendees. Here’s some ways you can easily incorporate some local connections:

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nightlife calgary


Decor and so much more - search our supplier database to assist with the logistics and details of hosting your event in Calgary. 

Learn more

Local Gift Ideas

We’ve partnered with local artisans and creatives to source quality gifts for your VIPs and event attendees. Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll find the perfect keepsake of your time in Calgary.


City Event Permits

The City of Calgary’s event planning resources provide a one-stop approach for festivals and events that take place on City land, such as Olympic Plaza or one of our many city parks. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Looking to incorporate social initiatives into your event? Our event services team can connect you with local organizations, allowing your event to leave a positive legacy in the community. 

Connect directly with our Event Services team to learn more:

Cassandra Graves, Event Services Manager




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Calgary wants to connect with you!

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